Author(s) | : | S.K. Behera and D.K. Debata |
ISBN | : | 978-93-6233-986-7 |
Language | : | English |
Pages | : | 101 |
Publication Year | : | 2024 |
Binding | : | Paper Back |
DOI | : | |
This is a professional book for students of irrigation agronomy. It will serve as a practical book for students at under graduate level in agriculture and agricultural engineering. At the post graduate level also it will be very useful for students of agronomy, soil science, horticulture and plant physiology. In addition to student readership, the book will be a valuable guide to professional and agricultural research workers in the field of irrigation water management.
We have referred several national and international publications and books and rearranged information for better and comprehensive presentation. We acknowledge all the sources and owe our gratitude to all of them. It will be a matter of great satisfaction to us if our efforts are found to be useful to students, scientists and practitioners in the field of irrigation and water management. The authors would welcome suggestions and criticisms from the readers to improve the contents of the book. Lastly, we owe to all who have helped us in different ways for preparing this book.